Annotated Works Cited


This website is the Arizona game and fish department, they are the ones who are able to make hunting possible in Arizona. I picked this website because it has valuable information needed for every hunter or outdoors man in Arizona, not just hunting. They regulate the laws and resources we have available to us as Arizona citizens. Their website assisted me in research for quite a few things. First of all, I was able to grab a few pictures from the website to better illustrate topics for my audience and presentations. Second of all, their website is where you can apply for a hunt, which makes this entire project possible as it is all about hunting. Third and finally, their website has allowed me to see statistics of each unit in Arizona, although I only focused on units in Southern Arizona. They will give statistics such as animal populations in the area, how many were bagged for the past few years, and predication or chance on bagging an animal in that particular unit. Along with this, it also gives you hunting regulations, guidelines, recommendations, and hunters education.


This website owner is a very talented author, and has wrote a couple of books that would come in useful for a beginner hunter. When I say beginner, I mean someone who doesn't have another person to show them what they are doing. Overall, this website has provided a few good details to my project, such as a person to posibly interview and a possible book to read for my project. Although I did not interview or read Duwane Adam's, his website and information he has provided has assisted with choosing units for my product, and what things to consider when interviewing a person. His ideas have also make me consider what topics to focus on throughout the duration of this project. 


This website gives additional information, or rather or shorter version, of the information given on the Arizona Game and Fish Department website. This website is easy to look at as it has really amazing photos on the front page. Additionally, it gives information about Northern units in Arizona. Although I focused on Southern Arizona hunting units, I did mention the northern folks a few times as well. This website can also lead you to guides. Guides are people who will go hunting with you, show you where the animals are, and guide you to some of the best regions across the entire state. This website also talks about Coues deer as well as Javelina.


The reason I added this website was because I took a small amount of information from it, honestly. Although the website is very clean, I did not use this website as much as others. This page has very great information on it. It tells you how to get into the hunting sport. It gives you basics on what to do when hunting. It is very important to know what you are doing the first time you go out hunting. 


This website has not assisted in the hunting area of my project at all. Rather, this website has helped me greatly on how to convert all of my research into a nicely laid out product. I will be doing a brochure of a few of the best hunting units in southern Arizona. This website has taught me everything i need to know from where the information should go, to how to present the product out in the public or even to a family member or friend. This website has saved me on the product portion of this project. 


Like the last website, this cite has also assisted me in making a brochure and how I should plan on laying it out. Additionally, this website showed me all the options that my brochure could look like. There are so many different visuals and topics you could add to a brochure. This website will be the last one that I will use on my product, because it sums up the whole brochure into a very large and detailed website. 

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