Interview Audio/Video & Reflection

#PVhasPassion interview questions
1)  When did you first start hunting in Arizona?
2)  Where was the first unit you hunted, and in what region was the unit?
3)  What is your favorite unit in region V-Tucson, Southern Arizona?
4)  Have you bagged a Coues deer? If so, where?
5)  What was the approximate size of the bagged deer?
6)   If you could go right now, where would you take your next Mule deer hunt?
7)  After bagging a deer, what are some basic procedures to follow as to cleaning and getting it back to camp?
8)  Have you been on a javelina hunt? If so, where?
9)  Would you rather hunt javelina or Coues deer? And why?
And finally, what is your favorite rifle to use when hunting large game in Arizona?

My interview led me to learn many new things about hunting in Arizona. Mostly, about regions in southern Arizona and what unit holds the best of its animals. Overall, region V in Arizona is the most known region for hunting know by me, and has been where all of my research and experience about hunting has been. For my #PVhasPassion project, I will be showcasing units in southern Arizona. During my interview, I asked a hunting expert of southern Arizona a bunch of good questions. The responses that I got from the expert helped me greatly during the project, and have helped me complete my presentation, product, and how gained me a great amount of knowledge.

Starting off, the questions asked to the expert have helped me during my research portion of the project. They have assisted me in answering a few questions of my own, as well as answers some essential questions about hunting in Southern Arizona.This expert has been hunting in Arizona for almost thirty three years. He has hunted in other regions across Arizona, but has always come back to southern Arizona. He knows southern Arizona the best and has many great experiences in this area.

Larry loves hunting whitetail coues deer. Additionally, he likes to hunt dove, elk, and javelina, with only one of those being related to this hunting unit, Javelina. For hunting whitetail coues deer, he prefers many units in southern Arizona.  A few to mention are units 36A, 36B, 36C, and 34A. Most of the units he has not been successful in besides one of them, 34A. He has bagged one small coues deer in the area during an October season hunt. He was on the hunt for a few days and the last day he was able to bag one within a minute of stepping out of the truck.

As for javelina hunting, it doesnt happen as much as he would like, but prefers deer hunting over javelina. Although this is true, he does prefer a few units for javelina hunting. Units such as 36A, 36B, and 36C are prefered for javelina hunting. He has hunting other units before, but has not been successful in an of the units.

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