Formal Reflection of Completion

Morgan Smith
2 May 2017
Final Reflection for #PVhasPassion
          Hunting is a big part of my life, as well as the people I interact with on a daily basis. Personally, I have been hunting since I was the age of six, and I have been hunting big game since I was 10, which is the legal age to hunt big game in Arizona. For my #PVhasPassion project, I wanted to complete a project that has to do with the hunting regions in Southern Arizona. Although this idea originally came from a friend, I continued on with it and made it into this large scale project. This topic relates to my life because I go hunting as many times as I can throughout the year. I go a few times at the beginning of the year, and I most definitely go on two big game hunts towards the end of the year. I have even missed thanksgiving and other holidays to go on a hunting trip.
          Although I like to believe that I know almost everything there is to know about hunting in Southern Arizona, I still had quite a few successes while doing research on my project, and overall working on the project. First off, I learned more about the small details of hunting. I’m not talking about that you should hike to the other side of the hill. I am talking about the fact that if you put in effort before the hunt, such as scouting and tracking animal patterns before the actual hunt season, it will let you succeed in the actual hunting season. Scouting can start as early as a year before the actual hunt. This almost guarantees your success in the hunt, as animals follow the same patterns almost every day. Another success I had during my project was finding which animals were in what unit. I realized that I have hunted a certain animal in one unit, but didn’t know there could be a completely different animal in the same area. I also didn’t realize that the same area I was hunting could hold trophy size deer. This encouraged me to continue my research of the area, and take more steps into finding these animals, such as seeing and bow hunting a trophy buck in unit 36A.
          Throughout the duration of this #PVhasPassion project, there were many hurdles that I had to figure out and had to overcome. The first, and hardest to overcome, was time management. Because of the size of this project for English class, I had to dedicate a lot of my time and resources to this project. This is partly my fault for picking this topic as my project. Time management has to do with a lot of things, so we will break it down. First of all, it takes time to plan and write an essay. This takes maybe an hour or two. Time that I usually spend eating food, or thinking about hunting and not doing homework. Time also has to do with planning dates for the future. I have to make sure that everything gets turned in on time, and has all the correct and needed information. The last idea that has to do with time management is actually getting out of the house to drive to a hunting location. I have to put fuel in the truck, plan where I will be going that day, tell someone where I will be going, and then drive to the place. By that time, the day is usually half over. I then have to take pictures, go through all of my pictures to ensure they are good enough quality to present. After all of this, I get to take the nice long drive home and eat a hot plate of dinner. Even though it all sounds like fun and games, there were points where I had to stop and readjust my project, but not on a grand scale. For example, I was planning on going to unit 33 to take pictures, but other plans came up, and a friend was planning to go to the same area the following weekend. I ended up just going the following weekend and figuring out something else for that week’s progress.
          Just because this project had some success, and did have some hurdles to get over, it also had some weaknesses. Most importantly, a weakness is that this project was very time consuming based on the whole idea of the project. This wasn’t the type of project where I could sit at home and complete it. Although it could have been done that way, I wanted to make sure it was interesting and more exciting for me. Part of the project could span over a week or two, just to get proper information about the unit. Another weakness could be that not everyone gets as excited as me when the topic of hunting comes up. This will make it more difficult to express my feelings about it to other people. This will also make it more difficult to “sell” my idea to everyone, especially people in my English class. A final weakness in my project, which didn’t actually slow me down much but hindered my experiences, was that I couldn’t visit all of the places I wanted to go. Some places were just too far away at the moment and would take some extra time for me to get there. I had to focus on other important things in my life.
Projects can make you learn a lot of things, and help you achieve some of your short term goals. They can even help you achieve your long term goals. The most important thing I learned during this project was that time management is very important. It can control how stressed out you are during the day, and can most definitely help you with daily tasks and school. This is because you get into a routine and do the same things every day, this is time management. It helps in school by making sure you get items turned in on time, and give yourself enough time to complete a project or even a small writing assignment.

Overall, I had a great time working with this project. I believe that this project idea is a great one for a senior project, and would recommend other teachers do similar project ideas. If I were to do this project all over again, I would have to chose a topic that has to do with automotive technology or cars. That is only if I wasn’t allowed to pick the same topic of hunting again. For seniors next year, I would highly recommend that they pick a topic that they are very passionate about. Even if they can’t think of how it could be turned into a project at that moment, it will eventually make sense. Picking a project that you are highly passionate about is important because it will keep you focused on the final goal, and make sure you stay on track to completing the final product and project.

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