Written Proposal & Project Pitch

Smith, Morgan
Per. 1
Project Proposal
          In the United States alone, there are 14.84 million holders of a hunting license. On Average, the spending of hunters in the United States on a recreational hunt can total up to $2,500 per hunt. This can add up to many more dollars over the course of the year. In Southern Arizona, there are six hunting regions. Region V- Tucson is the most southern unit in Arizona. This region includes units 28-38M. This topic is very important and interesting to me because I have grown up in Arizona. All of my life, my family and I have been hunting this part of the state. Our lives almost revolve around hunting. Anything from hunting deer to javelina, we have most likely hunted it at some point. Throughout my research, I would like to answer two main questions. First off, what do I consider the best three hunting units in Southern Arizona, Region V? Second, in my opinion, where is the most popular hunting unit in Region V?
          In order to begin research on my project, I will need a basic understanding of the hunting system in Arizona, and have some background knowledge of hunting. You should understand hunting in Arizona is very different than hunting on your grandpa’s farm in south Kentucky. Having grown up in a small southern Arizona town around a hunting population, most needed knowledge is already known. You should know the different regions in hunting, and the units that go along with each region. The time of year for the hunt can also greatly affect the outcome of the hunting trip. I know most of region V units, but have not hunted recently in all of the units. With this being said, I will need more information about the units that I have not recently visited. In order to do something with my research, I will need to figure out the answers to my questions, and complete a final product of my research. In my project, I will need to research the different units in Region V, and write a short summary about what I think of each one.
          To find some information that is needed, I will use books from libraries and found online to assist with my topic. A specific book that I found online and that I will use is called “How to Hunt Coues Deer” by Duwane Adams. The expert I will interview will be Larry Smith. He is an expert because he has been hunting this area of the United States for many years, and possesses a lot of knowledge about hunting in Arizona, specifically Southern Arizona.  
          Finally, I will need some sort of outcome of my research. To show this, at the end of the project, I will be making a picture/documentary brochure. This will include a few of the best hunting spots in southern Arizona and answer my original questions. It will also include a few pictures and opinions of each place I went to visit and review to put into the research.

          This is a very viable topic because many people in Arizona and in the United States are very avid hunters. A lot of hunters will travel just to experience new hunting types and areas. In order to travel, you will need someone to guide you through the area and tell you the tips and tricks to hunting that specific area. 
Works Cited
"6 Tips for Planning a Coues Deer Hunt." Petersen's Hunting. N.p., 21 Sept. 2015. Web. 13 Feb. 2017.
Adams, Duwane. "Books." Arizona Big Game Hunting. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2017.
"Arizona Guided Coues Deer Hunts Outfitters & Guides: Coues Whitetail Deer Hunting in Arizona." Arizona Guided Coues Deer Hunts Outfitters & Guides: Coues Whitetail Deer Hunting in Arizona. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2017.

Department, Arizona Game and Fish. "Hunting." Arizona Game & Fish Department - Hunting. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2017.

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