Monday, May 1, 2017

Reflection #10

Reflection #10
Week of May 1st, 2017

The progress on my #PVhasPassion project is about 90% done. I have done all my reseach, organized all of my pictures that I have taken for the project. I organized them into folders with the unit names. This will make it easier for me to pick out units to showcase, and then continue to find pictures for them and put them into my brochure. I still need to continue to layout my brochure in a nice and formal way. After this, I will need to write up a rough outline for my TED talk presentation, which will be the final grade for this class.

The book I chose to review helped me greatly across the entire project because it has very simple, yet effective information needed for hunting in this southern Arizona area. This book talked about the types o deer, what signs to look for, where they bed and eat, and how they react to certain things, like human activity or gun shot noises.

Next week, or even to start on this week to get started, I need to write an outline for my TED talk. I need to figure out how to exactly present my project so I am prepared when I need to present. Along with preparing this TED style talk, I need to think of how to design my product, although it is not as important as figuring out my presentation. I will also need to present my product to my chosen audience. This will be presented to the person I interviewed, to show him progress of my project.

"Strategies for success on Jan. OTC archery hunts in Arizona."GoHUNT. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2017.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Reflection #9

Reflection #9
Week of April 24th, 2017

We are getting closer to the end of our unit, and towards the end of our #PVhasPassion2017 project. I still need to due a couple more things to finish off the project, and specifically a couple more things a need to complete by the end of today. Today, I will need to complete a Pitch Evaluation for another student, and learn a little bit about their project and how to improve on my own project. Additionally today, I will need to finish my annotated works cited page. This will show each of the sources I used in my project, and a quick paragraph about how I used it and how it helped me during my #PVhasPassion project.

Now, this does not mark the complete end of our project. I still need to complete a final product. Also, I will need to think of a proper way of how to present my final presentation in a TED style talk. This will end up being our final for the class, and a big portion of our grade. Because of this, the presentation will be very important and will need to be very accurately given.

Taken by a friend

Friday, April 21, 2017

Reflection #8

Reflection #8
Week of April 17th

This week, not much was done on my #PVhasPassion project as we were required to complete a graduation speech and present it in class. I haven't completed my #PVhasPassion project, so I still have a few things left to do. First of all, my research is completed and I know what I will be putting into my final product.

After this product is completed and designed and at least one is printed out, I will be planning on how to present my learning experience in a TED-style talk to the class. I will most likely either write out note cards, or a small written script that I will stick closely to when talking to the class.

Taken by me

Monday, April 10, 2017

Reflection #7

Reflection #7
Week of April 3rd.

Once again, we are writing a reflection for our #PVhasPassion project. This week we have not had a lot of accomplishments. It has been a pretty relaxed week. All of our hunting units have been surveyed, and we have decided on what units to put into our final product.

I have begun thinking about designs for the product and how to make it. For next week, we need to think about our final presentation. TED style talks will come sooner than I expect, so I really need to start planning it out and maybe even looking at some TED talks to get an idea of how to present my project.

Taken by me

Reflection #6

Reflection #6
Week of March 27th

We just got back from a nice long relaxing spring break, or at least that is how it is suppose to be. I had to spend a small portion of my time working on English projects. Although it was over a school break, I was able to get a good amount of work done. I did some more research about hunting in Arizona. Specifically, which units I should put in my final product. I also learned quite a few things from my interview. He was able to finally convince me on which units I should add into my final product.

Overall, I am ready to start finalizing my project. I can create the final product, or at least try to complete it. More importantly, I will start writing my TED style talk for the presentation at the end of the school year.

Taken by me

Reflection #5

Reflection #5
Week of March 13

Spring break is coming up! This means more time to work on an English project. I get the chance to get to the further away hunting units in Southern Arizona. I will also take the time to write some interview questions to ask the person I will be interviewing in a couple of days.

Overall, I am happy with the units that I have picked so far. I plan to go to maybe one or two more units before I am done. I will have to pick a few units to showcase in my product. I will base the units I pick based on how I rate each unit and how successful they should be during a hunting season.

Taken by me

Reflection #4

Reflection #4
Week of March 6th

This week has not been as productive as the past few. I am continuing to get pictures of some southern Arizona hunting units. I plan to design the layout of my brochure, as well as start learning more about brochures and how i should begin mine. I also need to start thinking of who I will exactly present my product to.

I need to really start working on my product this week. Maybe I will even start to think about how to present my TED style talk to the class. Is this going to be our final grade in the class? Or will it be graded based on our overall progress throughout the semester?