Monday, February 13, 2017

MLA and Elevator Pitch

1) What does MLA stand for?
2) Is the MLA format used across the world?
3) Are there other types of formats for writing, other than MLA?

1) Is an elevator pitch always suppose to be 60 seconds, or can it be longer or shorter?
2) What is the most important thing when making an elevator pitch video?
3) Can an elevator pitch be a video of something other than yourself?

MLA stands for Modern Language Association.
MLA can be used across the world, and is used in many areas.
There are other formats for writing other than MLA, like the APA format.

The elevator pitch can be shorter, but must get your point across.
The most important idea of an elevator pitch is to be unique and get your point across to the other person.
An elevator pitch just has to show your goal, whether is shows yourself or not.

By. "Writing Resources - Essay Help | APA vs. MLA: What Style Guide Do I Use?"GradeSaver. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.

"Crafting an Elevator Pitch: Introducing Your Company Quickly and Compellingly."Communications Skills From N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.

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