Monday, February 13, 2017

Reflection Post

           Throughout southern Arizona and across the United States, hunting is a very popular sport and can make many people excited. In the United States alone, over 14.5 billion people have a hunting license. In southern Arizona, there are 5 regions to hunt, and each region has its own specific units inside of the region. The southern most region in Arizona is region V, and contains units 28-38M. To find good and valuable information, I will have a talk with Duwane Adams. He is a license guide in southern Arizona, and has wrote many books about hunting in this specific region.

          For my final product, I will be making a brochure about the three best hunting locations in Southern Arizona. Specifically, Region V and units 33-38M. In my brochure, I will showcase a few pictures of each of the units I choose to show. Each unit will have a short written summary about the area and why I chose to count it in the top 3 units on my list. For this week, I had one main question, what units should i choose to showcase in my brochure.  To inspire me for my project, I keep telling myself that English is a great class and I need to receive an A in the class. Also, I love hunting and any chance that I get to go out and explore the mountains, I will take in a heartbeat. By the end of next week, I will have chosen the units I will explore and showcase in my brochure. What unit should be chosen as number 1? That should be answered in my brochure! 
Image result for Arizona hunting region V

"Eli's Blog."January 2008. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2017.

"Books."Arizona Big Game Hunting. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2017.

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